Saturday, December 27, 2008

To all My friends, clients and everyone that have a interest in my work, life and where about I am.....Christmas here was very quiet and I was home...idling...not much has been happening...I hope that NEW year Brings us all happiness and prosperity and that 2009 will be better then 2008......Stay safe, dont drink and drive if you are out and about.....

Remember visit my website at
Best Wishes


kml said...

Good to see you back, Bianca!

Hope 2009 is a good one too.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Dear Bianca, It has been so wonderful getting to know you & seeing your work over the last year. It truly is amazing and the places you visit are just so gorgeous. Being able to see locations that many people will never get to visit brings such joy to see what America has to offer. Keep up the great work & Have a wonderful New Year! ~Bill Pador~

ApHoTo4YoU said...

Thank u very much Kathy....much appreciated and i am wishing you and family the same...
Hope that 2009 will be a better year for sake of the world...

take lots of photos and let me know when u have new work so i can look at it..

Take care

ApHoTo4YoU said...

Dear Bill,
My dear friend Wow thank u for visiting me..its like having visitors at home...appreciated your words and kindness...

I am right now idling ...but soon wil come my busy season...and i will be back....with my new work....for yours eyes to see..

I am so blessed to know friends like you....Take care and be careful out there


Anonymous said...

Hello Bianca, I see your still taking those most amazing pictures I like your blog will see you around and I will have to check regular.

Have a great day my friend.
